
24 Hour Notification Policy: You must report or request refund within 24 hours after the items were received. After 24 hours, your request will be automatically declined.

All refund request will be processed within 7 working days by Carrera Co and Seller (if valid) due to Inaccurate Description, Malfunctioning or Damage Items or otherwise legitimate claims.

Credit Request:

24 Hour Notification Policy: You must report or credit request within 24 hours after the items were received. After 24 hours, your request will be automatically declined.

All credit request will be processed within 7 working days by Carrera Co and Seller (if valid) due to Incomplete Description, Malfunctioning or Damage Items or otherwise legitimate claims.

*Carrera Co reserves the right to make a decision regarding your refunds or credit request. Please make sure to select a high rated Vendor/Seller in our platform in order to mitigate issues with products purchases.

*Carrera Co reserve the right to ban Vendors, Sellers or Buyers who refuse to follow the minimum required policy and for receiving multiple complains or negative reviews from the Sellers or Buyers.

Carrera Co
